It’s almost May and if you’re like us, that means it is time to start getting the boat ready for summer and we couldn’t be more excited for the warm weather and sunshine we’ll be soaking up the next few months. Owning a boat comes with a lot of responsibilities, making sure it’s in tip-top shape to go out on the water this season is perhaps the most important. Let’s go over some of the best ways to prepare yourself and your boat aesthetically for the summer.

1. Do a visual inspection.

  • Before you even take the tarp off that beauty make sure to inspect whatever type of covering you used for any holes or tears as this could have led to damage inside your boat. Even worse yet, a small animal could’ve taken advantage of the shelter your boat provided and made it their new home.
  • Also, check for any cracks or chips in your boat’s exterior paint job as that can make it look worn down and just overall not in great condition.
  • If your boat has a filthy exterior you should go ahead and give it a good wash to scrub all the dirt and debris off the sides.

2. Inspect your boat’s trailer.

  • Once you’ve examined the exterior and sides of your boat, it’s time to check out your trailer. You need to be extra careful when checking to see if your trailer has any brake lights or turn signals out as this can cause a major safety concern and could cause a huge accident if not taken care of properly.
  • Also, take care to check all the wiring and connecting hardware as you don’t want your trailer to suddenly detach going down the road.

3. Check out your boat’s interior.

  • Now that you’ve assessed your boat’s exterior and trailer, it’s time to take a peek inside. The cold weather or last summer’s usage could’ve led to the vinyl covers on your seating to crack and should be fixed as soon as possible as leaving open cracks can end up rotting the inside of the seats.
  • Check to see if there are any stains in the carpet on the floor or on the vinyl. If so, this is another thing you will want to get fixed. You can try at-home remedies first if you wish but bear in mind that these could make the stains worse and visiting a professional boat detailer might be the best option.
  • If your boat’s carpet is worn down or stained beyond repair, you might want to consider getting the carpet entirely replaced for the season as this will help improve the overall longevity of your watercraft.
  • The exposure from the hot sun all summer and cold weather all winter can cause your bimini cover to fade over time and cause the fibers to break down as well. You should take your boat in to have this fixed as this can make your boat just look overall kind of run down.
  • If you’re in the Treasure Valley area and in need of interior boat repair, contact McDowell’s Repair for a quote.

4. Review safety regulations.

Getting your boat ready for the summer is a great time to check to make sure all of your safety equipment is up to date. A few things to check either the expiration dates of or just to see if it’s up to code are:

  • Flares
  • Extinguishers
  • Floatation Devices

5. Dry out interior storage areas.

Small storage compartments like the ones under your boat’s seats are a great place for mildew to build up or other unsightly things that grow in dark, damp places. Simply opening these areas up, cleaning them out and letting the sun dry out the carpet and everything can clean these areas up.

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